Friday, January 27, 2017 Link to classroom activities give students access to class activities to help them self-direct their learning

We are trying something in my class currently to help the students complete their assignments.  This is little address is typed into the address bar on any search engine and will bring the students to my webpage.

On this webpage, it names all the assignments that were to be completed, provides rubrics so they know how they will be graded, and also gives them updates on important dates to remember.

The address is  Please feel free to check out what your student is doing from week to week.  If you have any questions, please feel free to send me a private message at or post a comment on this blog.

Q3 Week 2 Update

This week at KTC, our topics will be this:

  • Cover letters (select classes)
  • Finishing our thank you letters to our interviewers
  • Pre-test on job posting vocabulary
  • Looking at real job postings in their fields

At KTC, we want them to know and practice the writing and revision process and do this through various writing projects such as their career exploration project, resume, and thank you writing.  

Most importantly, at the Kent Transition Center, we know that our students will one day go out into the world looking for jobs and need to understand what is mentioned in job postings and what those words mean. 

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

ELA Class--Q3 Week 1: This Week @ KTC

Quarter 3 Week 1--WWYD--What Would You Do?

This Week @ KTC 

This week at KTC, we are havingt the students think through a real life situation and respond to us.  I have given them a situation and I want them to think about what they would do.  They are taking this instance and responding to it via Google Drive and sharing their thoughts with myself and others.  The response has been quite interesting.  We are noticing that there are some misconceptions about the world of work that our students need helping working through.  The example is below.


You have a job.  In your opinion, you have been a good worker and feel that you work hard every time you come to work.  You've been working for less than six months and you would like a raise.

Questions for Students: 

In your opinion, should you get one?  Yes or no and why?

What might be some other information that you don't yet know that could affect whether you get the raise or not?

What questions might you need to ask or information you need to know before asking your boss for the raise?