Monday, January 25, 2016

Tell Me What You See: KTC Students Offer Constructive Criticism to Classmates about Interviewing Skills and Weaknesses

This week at KTC, the students are practicing with each other to help each other find out what they are doing with their bodies and the things they need to work on.  The students are to ask each other the common interview questions and observe their classmate in 4 areas; eye contact, projection, posture, and response quality.  They are then to record this information on their sheet so that they can then respond in class discussion.  This was a great practice in constructive criticism for our students who sometimes don't take to redirection well and see all criticism as negative.

Also, the students were to watch either a classmate and myself go through an interview at the front of the room and for us as a class to help the student interviewee do better or watch a clip from YouTube and critique what that person had done in the video.  

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