Thursday, March 17, 2016

Just Browsing: KTC Students Create Presentations on the Various Job search Agencies in Grand Rapids, MI and Summarize Information for Presentations

This week at KTC, the classes are looking at agencies who help companies of various industries in Grand Rapids, MI, find workers for open positions.  The students are to create a Google slide presentation with this information and present it to their classmates.  I opted to do this project because it informs the students about other agencies in the communities along with Michigan Works! that help people find jobs, but also puts the learning in their hands while also getting them to practice their presentation skills for their job interviews.

The students were given a rubric that explained what they were looking for, how the slides should look, and what they would be graded upon when presenting.

The students are being told how they would search for these agencies using Google Chrome and shown where to find the information.  The were also shown how to take large amounts of information and break it down into smaller amounts that are easier to handle using an online text compactor.  This site lets you copy information from a page of text or website, paste it into place, and decrease the word amount to as little as 20% of the original text.

The students are in complete awe that there are agencies that exist to help companies find workers like them and that there are so many of them in Grand Rapids and nation-wide.  The students will continue to work on this presentation next week and prepare for their Rapid Bus training as well.  They will most likely present the first week of the final quarter.

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